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Summer vacation at home ideas

The end of the school term this year looks different for many around the world. Children and educators packed up their home classrooms and said goodbye virtually. However, we know that you are proud of your achievements and still want to celebrate the summer. Here are some suggestions to help inspire fun and meaningful time at home.

Tune in to our #CyberFit #BookFriday weekly

We know it will never take the place of hearing your favorite teacher read out loud, but we hope our sports partners will engage you with their read-aloud. From classics like Green Eggs & Ham to Peppa Pig, we got them covered! Videos can be found here.

Fun virtual summer trips

Take virtual roller coaster rides, visit New York City or hike in a national park! There are many places you can still visit!

Camping at home

Plan a camping trip at home! Lower the lights, pull out your flashlights, sleeping bags and tents. Prepare trail mix for snacks and spend time playing cards or family board games. If you are feeling extra adventurous, put your sleeping bag outside and you can also stargaze together with your family. You might be able to point out Venus, the North Star, and other major astronomical sights.

A day at the beach 

How about laying out your beach towels, a stack of fun books and some delicious fruit smoothies to make an at-home beach day? Wear sunglasses, beach hats, swimsuits, blow up a beach ball and play a game of volleyball in right in your home! 

We can’t wait to hear about your fun “vacations” at home! Share them with us on our social channels – Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and be sure to use #AcronisCyberFoundation

Whatever you choose to do this year, it can certainly be a summer to remember. Stay safe and healthy!

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