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Ctrl+Alt+Delete to Cyberbullying!

Cyberbullying has taken on epidemic-level proportions worldwide, especially among the youth. While we often associate cyberbullying with teenagers and young adults, even younger children aren’t exempted. Cyberbullying takes on various shapes and forms, but at its core comprises repeated vicious and highly personalised attacks with the intent to demean and harass.

The inaugural 2020 Child Online Safety Index report found that almost 60% of children in the age group of 8 to 12 years old in 30 countries were exposed to one or more forms of cyber risks, of which 45% were affected by cyberbullying. Singapore currently ranks 4th out of 30. Given the prevalence of cyberbullying and an increasing amount of time spent on the internet, combatting cyberbullying is thus a very important and relevant topic for children.

During the March school holidays in Singapore, we collaborated with Singapore Repertory Theatre to conduct a Pick-A-Hero Anti-Cyberbullying Workshop for Children’s Charity Well. Through engaging in role-playing and participative discussions, the children were fully immersed in the activities from start to end. Displaying their acting chops, the role-play helped in bringing words to life. The session concluded with the children writing a letter on ways to defeat cyberbullying, summarizing the important points that they had learnt.

The entire workshop was made possible by Acronis’s VP of Business Development, Miss Natalia Chernysheva who generously sponsored this educational workshop. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to her for the support!

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