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Acronis employees and families rally for second environmental clean-up at Belgrade Youth Center

On June 15th, a group of 14 Acronis employees and their families came together for an environmental project at the Center for Protection of Infants, Children, and Youth in Belgrade, Serbia for the second time. Their mission was to improve the outdoor space and make it more enjoyable for everyone.

The team did a thorough clean-up, addressing years of accumulated waste scattered across the center’s grounds. With admirable determination, they collected over 500kg of debris, garbage, and overgrown plant life, revitalizing the area. From the courtside to the front yard, and everything in between, they’ve managed to clean out the trash, and eliminate the plants that were preventing the court from being used as intended, The team also installed fences to protect the young sprouting trees which they had planted earlier in spring from being torn.

A unique aspect of this initiative was the involvement of the employees’ children. Working alongside their parents, these young volunteers not only contributed to the effort but also learned valuable lessons about the importance of giving back to the community. The employees, serving as role models, demonstrated the power of compassion and collective action.

Understanding that more work remains, the team was eager to continue supporting the Center. They pledged to return, reinforcing their commitment to making a lasting impact on the lives of those at the Center.

We heartfully thank our team for their continuous support of the local community.

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