In this book, you will learn about the internet, why and how it was developed, who it was first meant for, how it helps people today, and what is waiting for us in the future. You will learn what threats can hide in ordinary means of communication, and find some practical advice on how to protect yourself in the virtual world.
For more advanced users, there is a bunch of useful advice, too. The book has tips on how to use search engines effectively and make the information work for you. The introduction to next-generation and business technologies will help you in your school/work routine and save you a lot of time for a proper work-life balance. We hope you will enjoy the book. Your journey into the world of computer literacy is off to a great start!
See how knowledgeable you are
Is it possible to buy a cloud?
Yes, it is. Moreover, part of it is free for you and any internet user. The cloud is virtual storage where you can keep your data and access it any time from any device. It is a perfect solution for cooperative remote work: sharing file access, collaborating on edits, and meeting through video calls. It is not only convenient, but it saves the internal data storage of your device. Many online cloud storage services like Google Drive, Microsoft’s OneDrive, Apple’s iCloud, etc. offer some space for storage for free, and you can expand this limit by purchasing more space.
You don’t need to walk to leave footprints
It is impossible to become invisible online. Every action on the internet leaves a digital trace: your interests, search requests, reading preferences, downloads, and locations. One can also
trace your close friends and relatives. Remember that every click you make online is logged
and tracked somewhere. No internet activity goes untracked. Moreover, everything you post online and then delete is still kept on the internet and cannot be fully erased from its archives. All this information is used to customize recommendations on your YouTube, Google, and other profiles, advertising goods and services to you, and – in hands of criminals – can be used against you.
Can your favorite music band help you create a strong password?
You probably know that a password must be complicated and should not be associated with dates and names that are important for you. How can you pick an easy-to-remember password then? A good method is to use a mnemonic device: take a catchy phrase – like a lyric from your favorite song – and use the first or last letters from each word to create a password.
For example, Yesterday All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away = ylysdory (last letters used).
Do you like punctuation as much as we do?
Except for advanced Google searches, you can narrow your search results by using punctuation:
• @ in front of a word will search for social media publications: for example, @twitter
• – in front of a word will exclude this word from search: for example, jaguar speed -car
• # in front of a word helps search for top tweets
• .. will search by number span between your first/lowest number and your last/highest number
• $ in front of a number will help you search by price
• put a word or phrase inside quotation marks for an exact match
Can a vacation harm you?
People don’t hesitate to publish information about themselves and their friends on social media. But even minor and seemingly innocent information can be useful for criminals. For example, criminals can notice the location information from your social media account when you post about being on vacation or publish photos with geotags – and that data is enough to let them know that you are not at home at the moment.
Remember, avoid needless data publication on your social networks. Always check what data from your account page is publicly visible, what is visible only to your friends, and what is visible only to you.
What do the internet and a genie have in common?
Actually, a lot! A genie can make your wishes come true, while the internet can provide you with almost any information from any place in the world. Never been to Louvre? Visit it online. Want to walk in the streets of Barcelona? Google maps are at your disposal. Want to see the Earth from the International Space Station or dive 1000 meters below the sea level? You can do it right now on the internet. But be careful: all the information on the internet belongs to someone. Just as taking someone’s belongings in the real-world is a crime, it’s the same on the internet. If you want to use someone’s picture, don’t forget to attribute the author. If you would like to watch a movie or download a song, use trustworthy sources, respect the creators, and pay for the content – the talented people didn’t do their job for free ????