Since the Acronis Cyber Foundation was established in 2018, we’ve achieved amazing results around the world. Together with the help of our donors, supporters, and partners we’ve made the lives of more than 2,500 people better!
So far,
– Eight schools were opened (five of them in 2019, alone) and several more are already underway

– 52 former inmates (2 groups in 2018 and 2 groups in 2019) completed our IT course in Singapore and increased their chances of employability

– Four educational children’s books (two books in 2018 and two books in 2019) were published: “Acronis Chronicles” and “Acronis and the Quantum Computer” “Formula Fun” and “Formula Green” by Diana Dzyuba

More than €300,000 was spent constructing the schools (Acronis funding and donors’ contributions).
A combined 200,000 SGD (100,000 SGD in cash and 100,000 SGD in service from Acronis employees) was spent advancing the “Yellow Ribbon Fund – Acronis IT Skills Programme”.
Thanks for spreading access to education with us. This year, you’ve helped to prove that together we can do more! Working together, we have been like a team of Santas, creating miracles for people around the world.
We hope you and your loved ones have a happy, prosperous, and rewarding 2020. We look forward to continuing our relationship and hope the new year brings many bright beginnings and wonderful people into your life!