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This year’s Acronis IT Skills Programme for immigrants draws to a close

On August 3, 2021, 25 people with migration background completed their 3-week studies and had graduated from the IT Skills Programme organized by Acronis, Schaffhausen-based cyber security company, and the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT).

Students were trained in essential technology and employment topics intended to help them acclimate and succeed in their new community, including:

  • The use of popular business tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint
  • Safe internet habits and cyberthreat/scam avoidance
  • Financial literacy
  • Creating an effective CV
  • Job interview skills

All classes were conducted by professionals in their spheres — volunteers from Acronis, SIT, and Plesk.

Many honored guests attended a small graduation event to congratulate the students: Mr. Kurt Zubler, Managing Director at Integres and Cantonal Integration Delegate, Mrs. Anna Bruegel, Head of Language and Integration department at the Swiss Workers’ Relief Agency SAH SCHAFFHAUSEN, Ms. Christine de Palesieux, Head of Integration and Social office in Schaffhausen, Ms. Susanne Bäcker heading education of refugees in Schaffhausen, Mr. Martin Kessler, Government Council of the canton Schaffhausen, Mr. Slobodan Mikac, General Council, Mr. Florian Hotz, Bank Council President. We’re pleased that many students’ families and friends were also able to share this happy moment with them.

This marks the second year of the IT Skills Programme for immigrants, and we hope many more people will benefit from it in the years to come. We wish all our graduates success in their further endeavors. Never stop being curious, and never stop learning!

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