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A new chapter in learning: the impact of modern infrastructure at SMPK St. Yohanes Kalembu Lona School

In 2022, Acronis and Happy Hearts Indonesia (HHI) collaborated to construct a new, earthquake-resistant school in Reda Pada, Indonesia. Since its establishment, the SMPK St. Yohanes Kalembu Lona school has experienced significant advancements in several key areas. It has enhanced school management practices through training sessions and initiatives such as the Sumba Coffee Business Unit, which generates additional income for the school. This revenue is utilized to purchase school supplies, benefiting the entire community. Moreover, there has been a strong communal effort to maintain the premises and actively participate in annual committee meetings. Improved infrastructure has created a conducive learning environment, simplifying various educational activities. Additionally, increased student enrollment and teacher recruitment indicate growth and development within the school community, providing better learning opportunities for students and supporting teacher professionalism.

I cannot express enough how grateful my friends and I are for our new school building. We no longer have to squeeze into crowded classrooms, and the spaciousness makes learning much more enjoyable. With these improvements, I feel more motivated than ever to excel in my studies,” says Stevania Revina Umbu, a grade 3 student.

The impact on the community has been significant, with residents expressing gratitude for the new school building, which provides a safer and more comfortable environment for students to engage in activities. The community actively participates in supporting the school, contributing to activities such as cleaning the school area and constructing school fences. This collaboration demonstrates the strong bond between the school and the local community, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the educational institution.

Relatives of the students have also benefited from the project. Previously, families struggled to find suitable schools for their children due to distance and limited enrollment slots. However, with the new school building, these difficulties have been alleviated.

The school was also equipped with a computer classroom which has profoundly impacted both teachers and students, transforming the educational landscape and enhancing learning outcomes.

Students have gained invaluable hands-on experience with technology, learning essential skills such as typing, internet research, and software usage. They are now adept at composing assignments, creating presentations, and organizing information efficiently. Moreover, they have become familiar with fundamental concepts of computer devices, such as hardware components, software applications, and basic troubleshooting techniques. Prior to accessing the lab, students were limited to theoretical knowledge, resulting in less enthusiasm due to a lack of practical experience. However, with the establishment of the lab, students have become much more engaged and enthusiastic about learning. They now have the opportunity to directly apply the theories taught by the teacher through practical exercises, leading to a notable improvement in their performance and overall interest in the subject.

Furthermore, the computer classroom has fostered a culture of innovation and empowerment within the school community. Students now have the opportunity to explore new avenues of learning, conduct research, and unleash their creativity through digital tools and resources. This has not only expanded their academic horizons but also instilled a sense of confidence and independence as they navigate the digital realm.

I feel proud to be a student at SMPK Kalembu Lona because we now have access to computer equipment. Before the computer lab was established, I had little understanding of computers and how to use them. But now, thanks to our school’s computer classroom, I’ve learned to operate computers, type assignments, and even search for information on the Internet,” says Anastasia Farida Malo, a third-grade student.

For teachers, the digital classroom represents a significant advancement in educational resources. They now have a powerful tool to engage students in dynamic lessons, access a wealth of educational resources, and create interactive learning experiences, enriching the quality of education delivered at the school. Another notable advantage is its convenience for ANBK (National Computer-Based Exam) teachers. Previously, these teachers had to seek out schools to accommodate ANBK students. However, with the computer lab now available, they can conveniently oversee ANBK students within their school premises.

The enrollment rate at SMPK Kalembu Lona has demonstrated a remarkable upward trend, signaling positive growth and increased demand for the school’s educational offerings. In the 2022/2023 school year, the student population stood at 57 students, which has since surged to 96 students in the 2023/2024 academic year. This substantial increase in enrollment reflects a surge in student interest and a growing preference for SMPK Kalembu Lona among parents and guardians.

The surge in enrollment can be attributed to several factors, including the school’s reputation for providing quality education and supportive facilities. Additionally, the school’s emphasis on creating a nurturing learning environment and offering extracurricular opportunities has contributed to its appeal among prospective students and their families.

The significant increase in enrollment at SMPK Kalembu Lona reflects the school’s growing reputation for excellence and its ability to meet the needs and expectations of students and their families. As enrollment continues to rise, SMPK Kalembu Lona is poised to further solidify its position as a leading educational institution in the region, providing students with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed academically and beyond.

In the next 1-3 years, the school aims to enhance its technological infrastructure by procuring school-wide WiFi connectivity. This initiative is envisioned to augment the effectiveness of the ICT program further, facilitating seamless access to online resources and expanding digital learning opportunities for students and teachers. They also aim to create a Futsal Field to further enhance the school’s sports facilities.

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