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The road to adulthood: how School4Life equips orphaned children for success

Our team in Bulgaria continues to support the orphaned kids from the town of Roman. They’ve held a transformative project called School4Life between February and April which exemplified our commitment to community engagement and youth empowerment.

The School4Life initiative was a series of hands-on workshops designed specifically for young people nearing school graduation, aimed at equipping these individuals with essential skills and knowledge as they transition into adulthood. The project kicked off with an inspiring series of talks by representatives from various departments within Acronis. These seasoned professionals shared insights into their career paths and professional experiences, recounting their beginnings at an age similar to that of the attendees. Their stories were not just narratives of success but also valuable lessons in perseverance and ambition, designed to ignite dreams and provide a realistic picture of various career trajectories.

Following these motivational talks, the program shifted focus to more practical skills. Two intensive sessions were dedicated to the nuts and bolts of entering the workforce: how to effectively search for jobs, interpret job advertisements, and navigate the application process. Additionally, these sessions covered critical life skills such as understanding net versus gross salary, comprehending tax obligations, and managing personal budgets. The interactive nature of these workshops, complete with exercises on resume writing and personal branding, ensured that the participants were not only listeners but active learners.

Recognizing the gaps in basic life skills among the participants, the program also addressed everyday practical knowledge. Topics ranged from the importance of making healthy life choices, such as avoiding smoking, to practical introductions to the corporate environment. Visit to the Acronis Sofia office gave these young individuals a firsthand look at the IT industry and corporate culture, enriching their understanding of a professional workspace.

The culmination of the School4Life project was not just educational but also cultural. A historical walking tour in Sofia provided a memorable experience, connecting the participants with their heritage and instilling a sense of pride and belonging. The tour included visits to landmark sites such as the monument of Climent of Ohrid, the Parliament, the Art Academy, the St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral, the oldest church in Bulgaria — the St. George Rotunda, the Patriarchy, the St. Sofia Church, the hidden bell, and many more. The team stopped at each of these spots, telling interesting stories about the historical moments related to these places.

This project was not without its challenges, requiring our team to adapt and tailor the material to meet the diverse needs and interests of each participant. Their flexibility and dedication were crucial in making School4Life a success, as evidenced by the enthusiasm and gratitude expressed by the participants.

Desislava Lazarova, the creator and leador of the program, shared: “Starting School4Life program was an incredible experience. This journey was an emotional rollercoaster, filled with moments of joy, anxiety, and profound inspiration. From the very beginning, I was excited and nervous, knowing the impact we aimed to make. The stories of these young people were heart-wrenching, yet their resilience and determination were nothing short of inspiring. I cried both tears of joy and heartbreak, deeply moved by their personal struggles and wins.

Despite the challenges, witnessing their transformation was the most rewarding experience of my life. These remarkable young people not only gained valuable skills but also formed friendships, showed immense gratitude, and filled the room with love and respect.

Their journey towards independence and self-sufficiency has just begun, and I am honored to have been a part of it. Here’s to their bright futures and to everyone who supported this life-changing project. Let’s continue to empower and uplift those around us. Together, we can make a difference!”

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone involved in School4Life. The project not only helped prepare these young individuals for their future careers and responsibilities but also encouraged them to dream big and strive relentlessly towards their goals.

We remain committed to nurturing the potential of young people and supporting them in their journey towards fulfilling careers and responsible adulthood. To the graduates of the School4Life project, we offer our best wishes for your future endeavors. Dream big, never give up, and turn your brightest dreams into reality!

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