A school community is not just a building. It’s the various individuals and groups who are invested in the welfare and vitality of the school, for example, the neighborhoods and municipalities.
In March 2019, the Acronis Cyber Foundation officially opened a tent school in Bar Elias, Lebanon. During a recent visit to the camp, the children shared many heartwarming stories which we will bring to you in a two-part series.
Ebad, Student

Ebad is eight years old and the oldest of three boys. Before attending the the tent school (aka Sunflower School), he worked in the fields every day for more than a year. He was the only one who could work to feed the family since the adult Syrians are subject to a work ban, and his two brothers are still too young.
I wish to live as a child, a student. To learn and play with my brothers.
Ebad wishes he can be at home in Syria without the war. To be able to live his life as a child, a student. To learn and play with his brothers.
Thanks to the tent school, he now has an opportunity to continue his learning journey.
Read Part One of this series and more about our school here.