Why we are doing it
1.1 billion
Children in the world are
between the ages of 6 and 14
The United Nations considers education a fundamental human right. Gaining knowledge is vital to our existence. And students aren’t the only ones who benefit from gaining knowledge. Research shows that education leads to higher individual income and is also a necessary foundation for long-term economic growth.
617 million
Children are not achieving
minimum proficiency levels
in reading and mathematics
This is the equivalent of three times the population of Brazil being unable to read or undertake basic mathematics with proficiency. This signals a tremendous waste of human potential that could threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Many of the global goals depend on the achievement of SDG 4, which demands an inclusive and equitable quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all.
258 million
Children and youth have
no access to education
The total includes 59 million children of primary school age, 62 million of lower secondary school age and 138 million of upper secondary age. The figure signals a learning crisis, which could threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Those excluded from education are among the most vulnerable in the world.
What we are doing
Finding regions
The Acronis Cyber Foundation’s Schools Initiative finds underserved and neglected communities where children and youth lack educational infrastructure and poor learning environments.
Building schools
Working with non-profit organizations worldwide, the Acronis Cyber Foundation’s Schools Initiative builds schools that meet each community’s unique needs and helps find solutions to the infrastructure challenges that can affect a school’s effectiveness.
Improving lives
By building the schools needed to spread knowledge in underserved regions of the world, we plant the seeds of opportunity for individuals, families, and communities.