Updates from Barbara Junior Secondary School in Sierra…
In September 2022, construction of Barbara Junior Secondary School in Barbara, Sierra Leone, was completed. A year after the school began…
The ongoing impact and future vision in Nuevo Chimbote,…
In 2023, Acronis returned to the community of Nuevo Chimbote, Peru, to further expand the school building. Additional…
One year of impact at the Mariposa Mountain School in…
One year after the festive opening, the Mariposa Mountain School continues to have a significant impact both in the local community of Los…
Updates on the vocational training center in Don Juan,…
In the summer of 2023, the completion of the vocational training center in Don Juan, Ecuador marked a significant milestone for the community.…
Empowering the next generation: Acronis' cyber security…
In today's digital age, the internet is an essential part of our lives, offering endless opportunities and knowledge. However, with these…
This holiday season, make a difference with us: turn…
In celebration of Acronis' 20th anniversary this year, we are spreading joy during the holiday season by granting the wishes of 20…
Celebrating Bulgaria's legacy of innovation: Acronis…
In Bulgaria, November 1st holds a special place as a national holiday dedicated to honoring the educators and scholars who have significantly…
Educational resilience: navigating the aftermath of…
The catastrophic earthquakes that struck the southern part of Turkey on February 6, 2023, with magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.6, left behind a trail of…
Acronis Bulgaria goes beyond the office: a day of…
On October 28, 50 employees and their family members from Acronis Bulgaria gathered for a second forest area clean-up this autumn.…
Bringing smiles: Acronis Singapore team's toy drive for…
This week, the Acronis Singapore team did something pretty cool – they gathered up their own toys, the ones still in good shape, and then…
Reflecting on the Buffer Overflows and Basic…
On October 17 2023, cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals gathered to attend a knowledge session led by Acronis CISO Kevin Reed. The…
Embracing community spirit: Acronis Serbia joins the Big…
Acronis Serbia recently participated in the "Veliko čišćenje" or "Big Clean-up" event in Belgrade. This event, held on October 14th, 2023,…
Exploring tech's vast horizons: Republic Polytechnic…
In the heart of Singapore, 50 enthusiastic students from Republic Polytechnic embarked on an exciting journey into the world of technology on 10…
Acronis Bulgaria team takes on a green mission:…
As September rolls around, Bulgarians across the country gear up to participate in the annual national movement, "Let's Clean Up Bulgaria…
Congratulations to our graduates from IT Skills Program…
A truly momentous graduation ceremony unfolded on September 30th, 2023, within the walls of the HCSA Highpoint Halfway House. This event marked…
Acronis Turkey team joins World Cleanup Day
Every year, on the 3rd Saturday of September, the United Nations conducts World Cleanup Day, a global initiative aimed at addressing the…
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If you believe in our mission and want to make an impact, you can support the Acronis Schools Initiative